そこで、日本との絆が強いこの学校の継続した運営を少しでも支援したいと思い、団体を立ち上げ、募金をお願いすることに至りました。当初はCrowd Fundingでの支援を考えておりましたが、いくつかの制約があることでこのような形をとることとし、支援していただいた金額は米ドルに換えて、直接現地に持ってゆくことにいたします。
口座番号:(普通) 6171732
"I want to save the Japanese language school that teaches Japanese for free!”
I would like to ask all of you who have taken care of this to read it. There is a Japanese language school called Noriko Gakkyu in the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is one of the pro-Japanese countries.
This is a school where one Japanese, who was an engineer in this country in 1999, founded with the desire to teach Japanese to children and teaches Japanese free of charge. Most of the teachers are volunteer university students from Japan, etc..
After the founder's death, the Uzbek principal Mr.Ganisher, who has succeeded to his will, has maintained this school for over 15 years.
So far, more than 5,000 students have studied at this school, and many students come to Japan as international students. After graduating, they are active in Japanese companies and contribute to their own countries.
This time, due to the new corona infectious disease, volunteers from Japan could not go to the site, and children could not come to school, making school management difficult.
This time, I would like to support the ongoing management of this school as much as possible, so I decided to set up an organization and ask for donations.
Initially, I was thinking to support by using Crowd Funding, but I decided to take this form due to some restrictions, and I will convert the amount of aid into US dollars and bring it directly to the site.
I regret to say that we are busy dealing with new corona infectious diseases in Japan as well, but I would appreciate it if you could cooperate with us just by feeling. I would appreciate your warm support.
◇ Transfer Bank Account
Bank name: Yokohama Bank Hodogaya Branch
Branch number: 331
Account number: (Savings Account) 6171732
Account name: Noriko Gakkyu wo Shien suru kai
Representative: Tatsuo Nagata
* Transfer fees from other banks may be included in the amount of donation.
If you have any questions, please contact us on FB. Please use the messenger for individual questions. When we receive your donation safely, I will post a thank-you message with the principal of Ganisher.
◆ Related information
◇ School details
◇ Broadcasting content on TBS TV program “Sekai Fushigi Hakken!” last June
◇ School FB site
(寄稿者)当協会会員:永田 立夫